About Me

  • Welcome to my blog. I can tell you everything about my life if you give it a little respect and a touch of love.

    Tehcutelilchopchop is Javier.
    Loving friends call me Jav/Porkchop/ChopChop. Lovelife is complicated now. But I’m satisfied with friends. But secretly I yearn for love again.

    4 May 1991
    In GangGang.

    ♥♥♥Teh Special LiL Cuties♥♥♥
    2)Yunhua :D
    3)Christina :D
    4)LianLi :D
    5)HuiMin :D
    6)WaiLum :D
    7)Dabbie :D
    8)PeiSi :D
    9)Nicholas :D
    10)Yixun :D
    11)Naufal(GAY) :D
    12)AND ALVIN!:D
    13)My Goodie Bro YuYang :D

    1)My Dearest GAN mummy :p loves ya lots
    2)People who loves PorkChop which is miiee wee =D
    3)Last but teh most important,a gal in my dreams (Wang Bu Liao)

    Hates and Detests
    4)Those Who Hates ChopChop T_T

    lovesme, myself & i





being simple as it should be
more than enough to understand
like my permanent underwears

Saturday, March 15, 2008

i am at library now.
lols. so sians lor den blog
well. last night i really dreamt of her.
the swt memories tat we had together.
i really miss her.
miss her dearly.
i cried under my blanket
hoping tat she could understand i still loved her
wanted her to be my side everytime
now she with another guy
wad am i gonna do?
comments my dearies , my friend.


Friday, March 14, 2008

when i was walking at the swimming pool , was thinking tat those stuffs u said to me during the chalet.
those sweet memories would be inside my mind forever.
was trying to be a better stead but in the end, we stil broke up.
i rmb every word u said.
U once said, u would not leave me until the day i leave u. eventually... u left me..
i treat every word seriously.
I save money just to get your favourite stuffs.
i simply cannot forget u.
but bet u had forgetten me longlong ago.
I gave my whole heart to you
u took a knife and stab hard into it
Although i said i had get over it
it was just a lie.
I said i had forgetten you already
its just to make myself feel better.
I said u would be better off with any stead.
i am just simply jealous abt him.
I wish u the best with him
but i wanted him to break with u
Those neoprints, photos and those stuff u bought for me would be with me until the day i die. although it worth nothing to u, but it is priceless to me
my friend encourage me to forget abt u
i said yes but in fact is no.
i really didnt regreted when i spend the 600++ bucks for u.
just tat i am foolish, tot u would come back to me.
but my dear, your birthday is coming soon, rmb the cake i bought u?
the presents i gave u? the pizzahut treat?
baby, i hope u know i still loved u so.
would u be kind enough to come back to my shoulder.
and make my life complete.
i love YOOU!

sry for nt posting for soo long .
rot-ted at home and finally a saviour stop me from rotting :D
its yunhua!
lols. she jio me out to civil for a starbuck coffee drink
phew, thx a lot !
den tmd! i am struck at kranji mrt for 15mins! WAD THE FUCK.
the train was moving super duper utimate slowly lor,
lyk the speed of the cablecar moving -.-
finally reached woodlands le, den meet up with yunhua and wai lum
i ordered a hot chocolate which cost 6.50 and yunhua and wl ordered coffee which cost 7 bucks NORHS
zzz sians1/2 den psp-ed all the way
yunhua gt pissed off anyways, cause she cannot win teh game. wahaahahha
after tat trained home den rotted to wait for dota clan match.
WTF. we lost and the whole team is du lan abt it lor.
anyways, its only a game right?
jiu lights off lur :D
early in the morning, i had my breakfast on my table.
den go rp, meet up with yunhua :D
anyway ps: june! u look lyk a malay xD
waited for 30min and finally is my turn to enrol yuppes.
dunno why yunhua was in front of me at first
den i finished first ahaha den waited for her at teh configuration booth.
hehe the instructor is friendly de lor ... lols chated quite a lot.
after that i went off lur.
at around 6.30pm i reached the chalet and it as raininy heavily lor
when to downtown east to jalan jalan den lianli wanted to makan satay
SO EXPENSIVE . 10 for $4.50. EEYEERRR...
after that go back to teh chalet.
mahjong-ed for a long long long long time.
we chated and ya enjoyed ourselves la.
at around 2 am. all starting to being drowsy liao but in the end didnt slp.
slacked at the lobby for a long long time and den wait for teh sunrise lor
SIANS NARHS . IT super teh cold.
me and nick already become ice cause yunhua nv bring my jacket >.<
after that jiu go red house see see a bit.
nothing change anyways.
walk-ed back to chalet, me and yunhua cannot tahan den slp lur
mac-ed den go home slp slp until now lor
my blog is lyk so dead?

i love yooouuss. but doo uu loveess miie?

Monday, March 10, 2008

chris broke up with her stead
my granny went into hospital
i hate myself
feel lyk ending muai life
tag more ppl.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

bloggy time!
ytd was sooo okay to me!
firstly i slept till 9 am .. tats early for me u know?
after tat a lot lot of my dearies came to my house.
got yunhua, lianli,wailum,naufal,alvin and haoren.
hehe ^^ played soccer, baskerball, tennis and gym-ed.
wtf lor, i run 2km but sibei tired le.
after tat head home and each of us take turns to bathe ^^
happy! loves them lots man
slack-ed in my house and then went to jp
haha then yunhua went to watch teh movie den the rest of us go dinner den pool-ed.
HaoRen teh pool nt bad eh =\haha^^
we managed the help yunhua to cover from her brother.:D
wait for yunhua to come den we headed home lor.
buy something for my parent to makan in teh end, they scold me for buying for myself. i was lyk _|_(-.-)_|_

fuck fuck fuck. father sibei noisy, nagg nagg nagg ZZzzzz i AMM SOOO PISSED

Thursday, March 6, 2008

blog blog blog :D
firstly, thank you to yunhua.
u made me think last last night.
u are damn right, lols. wadever u said last night make sense.
okay, ytd when to cwp to meet yunhua , alvin and lum.
met up with lum and chua chu kang
GUESS WAD. i saw winston sehhh.. lols, with a girl xD
den slacked with alvin while waiting for yunhua and her mum to come ^^
after that, we went to yunhua hse for mahjong.
well, yunhua mum said my mahjong skill nt bad eh ^^ lols.
learned a new style of playing mahjong wagagaga.
umm den went down for dinner with them. chat chat chat chat
after chatting, still chat chat chat chat again.
go home com-ed until 3am lor.
thats about all bahs =) loves gangx2 forever ^^

i still love u :D

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

HUIYA ask me to blog. den i blog lur
ytd, woke at 7am
WA! tat the earliest time i ever woke up lor....zzz
den run down to the guard house and book the tennis court for 'dear' and wl.
after tat, i went to gym. run run run. now leg gt blister. PAIN AH
join mummy, ah ma, and my auntie for breakfast at imm =)
yummyyummy breakfast ^^
den go guardian buy my hair dye .. wee, my hair colour changed lur^^ woohoo.
go home slacked. slack. slack until 3 pm den 'dear' and wl came.
tennis-ed and bball-ed for 2 hr
den bball-ed a while. yunhua your bball nt bad seh!!! ^^
went back to my hm and bathe-ed.
dinner den go hm slack lor

loving someone is so hard why dont let people love u instead

Saturday, March 1, 2008

busy recently.
and lazy to blog xD
lols.okay ytd was fun i supposed?
lum reached my hse at 12++
den while waiting for yunhua to come , we psp-ing lor
den suddenly lum received a msg
yunhua cannot make it here lur, den ya a bit disappointed but nvm.
we went to play tennis lor, HAHAH I AM ASHAMED OF MYSELF OMGOMGOMG.
lucky me , i picked up a NIKE BBALL lei !! SONG BOOO
den we playplay bbball. woooo so nice lur the ball.
after tat, go back my hse pompom and eat lunch.
slack-ed till 6pm den my papa fetch him go mrt.
reached granny hse , MY UNCLE WATCHING KUNGFU-DUNK
den eat dinner. dota den go home. emo emo emo emo.
called 'dear' for a while.
emo again lols.
Met a NEW FRIEND :DD HUIIYAA!! lols. she is so emofifed. well,lols. she's friendly i guess^^. We will get along well rightt~~ LOLS.

i loveee youu :DD
